Our very own soirée designed for those who wants to talk or think deeply about all things food. Come alone, or with friends; either way, vulnerability is required when dissecting certain topics about why we eat the way we do, or our opinion on taboo nutrition concepts. Beyond the conversation cards about the designated topic of the night, each course is designed with the intent of telling a story, or guiding you through key ideas.
For example, our debut night was all about emotional eating; the concept of escapism. The aperitif course contrasted isolated ‘vessels’ such as white sourdough slices, fermented plain crackers and raw vegetable sticks with decadent pairings such as our grass-fed whipped miso butter and burnt beetroot and walnut dip. The course prompted conversation on how emotional eating is often born from a state of loneliness, isolation, vulnerability, anxiety or emptiness (‘vessels’), and seeks comfort from stimulating and serotonin-releasing food (represented by the dips). The conversations that unfolded from this were refreshingly intelligent, dissecting emotional eating from a personal and societal lens.
The food, of course, was prepared by Cass, Apostrophe’s owner and Dietitian. Designed to be nutritionally balanced, flavourful, and thoughtful in creation. These soirées are held in her Abbotsford dining space; intimate and elegant.